
Deep Stacks

Played a deep stack tourney on Stars last Sunday during our weekly football party and finished fourth. This tournament took 12 hours – the longest one I have ever played. The structure was great and the deep stacks actually let us play poker! With actual decisions to make other than “all-in” or “fold” I needed a few Tums to get through the whole thing. Much more enjoyable and I plan to play many more of these.

Off to Foxwoods tomorrow.

3 replies on “Deep Stacks”

I insist that all those who take the time to post in my blog on any topic understand basic spelling rules. In this digital age, spelling and grammar are falling by the wayside, and I simply won’t stand for it on my own blog.

Good hustle there, buddy, with the use of “your” as “you’re.” Jodi, you’re right.

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