
Risk and Reward…and Lack Thereof

I made a killing playing 3/6 today. People might have saved themselves some time and simply deposited the money into my account directly. I didn’t have amazing cards to accomplish this, just truly terribly opponents. God bless Party Poker.

For fun I decided to take a small portion (!!) of my 3/6 winnings and play a $55 one table SNG. I played really well and built a large stack of chips, only to lose most of it with JJ vs. QQ on a ten-high board. Grrr. I struggled from there on and ended up finished on the bubble, the worst possible place to finish. It was very frustrating, but the play was interesting and I enjoyed it. Chris likes to remind me that poker is my hobby, not my job, and that having fun should be the main objective, not making money. So mission accomplished, I guess!

One thing I liked a lot about the 55 SNG was the extra starting chips. For a few minutes there I felt like I was actually playing poker! I would like to play more of these…

Chris meanwhile had another great finish last night, this time third in Ultimate Bet’s 100K guaranteed. Good job, baby!

Less than one month until the Party Poker Million IV…which sets sail on my birthday! Poker, a cruise, non-stop food…what, I ask you, could possibly be better than this? Oh I know: prefacing our voyage with four days in Las Vegas. March Madness indeed…I can’t wait to clean up in the weekly tournies at the Orleans. They’re small buy-in tournies, some with rebuys…it’s like I’ve been in training for this since September. Unless someone out there would like to back me in the WSOP circuit events? Too bad I can’t stay for the ladies no limit event. It’s called “LIPS.” But the ship leaves before that one starts. Who am I kidding. The day I play in an event called “LIPS” is the day the fish stop biting at Party.


2 replies on “Risk and Reward…and Lack Thereof”


Played the one at Rincon, and as I normally HATE ladies events myself, they are simply FULL of these ladies from the forum. Most of them playing for the very first time at a B&M.

Was busted out by Q,10 when she called my all in with A, K and 4 clubs came on the board, and she had a club, I didn’t. Placed about 40th.

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