

To Chris who won a double shootout on Stars yesterday to lock up a seat in the WSOP main event. I’m going out to Vegas with him for that leg of the Series, and I’m looking forward to the circus it must be. Oh sweet, sweet side action. I’m already earmarking part of my bankroll for the trip.

I played $25K guaranteed on Party last night and made it into the money courtesy of several very silly people. In one memorable hand, four people limped and I limped with Kd8d. The blinds called and the flop came 9d Td Kx. It was bet, then folded around to me. I called and one of the blinds called. Three players. The turn is the Qd. First guy bets it, I push all-in. I get immediately called by the third player – and then by the other guy as well! At this point I’m thinking, bad timing, I’m beat. They both show a black jack for the straight and I scoop the pot and nearly triple up. I love playing in these small buy-in tournies!

Since Chris said the UB hold ’em games were so tasty, I decided to find out if the lower limits were as well. I played the $3-6 kill game for about an hour last night, so not much data to go on so far, but man, what an action fest. The only thing I have to be prepared for next time is the bigger swings caused by the kill pots. This was my first experience with a kill game – I will be playing it some more – and also my first time playing hold ’em on UB. The amount of limping going on even in the non-kill hands was startling. These guys play like Party 1/2 players! I’m hoping it wasn’t a fluke and that another table of bozos will be waiting for me the next time I hop on.

Congratulations again to Chris! Hey, if you win, maybe everyone will start pronouncing your last name correctly.