Poker USA

Vegas: The Adventure Begins

I have not felt this excited about a trip to Vegas in a long time. I attribute this to the fact that I am planning to enjoy a lot of what Vegas has to offer *other* than poker. Fear not, faithful readers, much poker will be involved this trip as I terrorize the small buy-in tourney scene, the 10/20 cash games, and sweat the 165 friends I have playing in the WSOP main event. I will provide full coverage of my battles on the felt on this blog.

But this trip, I’m also going to make a conscious effort to entertain myself in other ways:

  • shows
  • food
  • hanging with friends
  • shopping
  • chilling out poolside (well, sweating profusely poolside and jumping in the pool every ten minutes to cool off!)
  • singing karaoke (ActionBob and Matros, prepare thyselves!)
  • food
  • spa
  • napping
  • did I mention the food?

I have been enjoying poker a lot more lately, and I think it’s because I have been doing a really good job of balancing it out with non-poker activities. I have the type of personality where I can get easily fixated on one hobby for weeks at a time, and with poker this can be very draining. Lately, my fixation seems to have been “creating balance,” which is a much healthier fixation indeed.

I take off at 9:30 this evening from JFK. I feel giddy and have spent the last twenty minutes spinning around in my desk chair, admiring the bust-out prize I won off of Jeff Calkins this spring (proudly displayed on the bulletin board in my office), and calculating how many episodes of WSOP 2005 will be on ESPN this evening during my Jet Blue flight.

T-minus seven hours!!!