
It’s here! It’s here! ATLARGE2007!!!!!!

Hey look! Poker content!

ATLARGE will be happening the first weekend of March. Unless you’ve already booked plane tickets for a trip to Hong Kong (you know who you are…) you have no valid excuse for missing it. Go immediately to the registration page and sign yo’ ass up. I will be defending my H.O.E. title, and it’s going to be tough since I haven’t played poker in about two months and have no plans to play before ATLARGE unless my uber-cool buds on the Upper West decide to host another swanky poker soiree…
btw, if anyone from NYC is driving down Friday morning, let me know, since that’s when I’ll be going. C’mon, you know you wanna give me a ride!
The state of poker is so depressing right now that it’s amazing that a) I even want to go to a poker gathering and b) people are still reading poker blogs. Are you still playing poker? If you are, how do you motivate yourself? And can you motivate me????

One reply on “It’s here! It’s here! ATLARGE2007!!!!!!”

Motivation to play poker? It’s simple: there’s lotsa money in poker now. There may not be lotsa money in poker a year from now. Therefore if you like money, you should probably play as much poker now as you can handle!

I’m kinda burned out from poker these days, and not highly motivated to play, but I still gotta put my hours in if I want to take all the money I can.

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